2024 Hugo Award Winners

Glasgow 2024, a Worldcon for Our Futures (the 82nd World Science Fiction Convention) announced the winners of the 2024 Hugo Awards, Lodestar Award for Best Young Adult Book, and Astounding Award for Best New Writer. The announcement was made at a ceremony on August 11, 2024 at a formal ceremony at the convention a replay of which is available on YouTube.

The list of winners and finalists, as well as a link to the final ballot and nominating statistics and a supplementary Administrators’ Report, is on the 2024 Hugo Awards page.

3,813 final ballots (3,808 electronic and 5 paper) were received and counted from the members of Glasgow 2024. As the convention announced on July 22, 2024, they disqualified 377 of these which they ruled were not cast by natural persons. They did count the remaining 3,436 (3,431 electronic, 5 paper).

Town Hall Event: Hugo, Lodestar and Astounding Awards Glasgow 2024

Glasgow 2024, the 2024 Worldcon in Glasgow, Scotland, has announced a 2024 Hugo Awards Town Hall event on Saturday, April 20 from 11am – 12:30pm Pacific Daylight Time (UTC -7) featuring key members of the Hugo Admin and WSFS team from Glasgow 2024 who will be discussing the Glasgow 2024 awards process and timeline.

The event will be moderated taking questions in advance. If you wish to submit a question for consideration please do so below. There may not be enough time to cover all questions. You can submit questions for consideration ahead of time.

The registration for event is free and will be also be live streamed on the Glasgow 2024 YouTube channel.

The event falls under the Glasgow 2024 Code of Conduct.

This event is organized by the 2024 Glasgow Worldcon, not the Hugo Awards website. Direct any questions about this event to the 2024 Glasgow Worldcon.

2024 Hugo Award, Lodestar Award, and Astounding Finalists Announced

Hugo Award Logo without text and in pure black and white
Hugo Award Logo

Glasgow 2024, the 82nd World Science Fiction Convention, announced on March 29, 2024 the finalists for the 2024 Hugo Awards, Lodestar Award for Best Young Adult Book, and Astounding Award for Best New Writer. The full list of finalists is on the 2024 Hugo Awards page.

1720 valid nominating ballots were received and counted from the members of the 2023 and 2024 World Science Fiction Conventions for the 2024 Hugo Awards. Voting on the final ballot will open during April 2024.

Only Glasgow 2024 members will be able to vote on the final ballot and choose the winners for the 2024 Awards. The 2024 Hugo Awards, the Lodestar Award, and the Astounding Award will be presented on Sunday evening, August 11, 2024, at a formal ceremony at Glasgow 2024.

More information about the Hugo Awards is available at https://glasgow2024.org/hugo-awards/. Questions about the Hugo Awards process should be directed to hugo-help@glasgow2024.org. Please do not submit questions to the Hugo Awards website, as we do not administer the Hugo Awards and can only pass your questions on to the award administrators.

Glasgow 2024 Announces Designers for the 2024 Hugo and Lodestar Award Trophies

Glasgow 2024 has announced that the 2024 Hugo Award Base will be designed by Iain J. Clark. The trophy for the 2024 Lodestar Award for Best YA Book will be designed by Sara Felix. The final base designs will be revealed as part of the convention’s Opening Ceremony in Glasgow on 8th August. The 2024 Hugo Awards and Lodestar Award will be presented in a ceremony in Glasgow, Scotland on the evening of Sunday, 11th August.

The Hugo Award trophy consists of a rocket design by Jack McKnight and Ben Jason as refined by Peter Weston. Each Worldcon committee can design the base of the trophy presented by their Worldcon. Each Worldcon committee also selects he trophy design for the Lodestar Award. Each year’s Hugo Awards are administered by that year’s Worldcon. The Hugo Awards are not administered by the Hugo Awards website. For questions about the 2024 Hugo Awards, contact the 2024 Hugo Award Administrators.

For further details about the 2024 Hugo Award and Lodestar Award trophies, including information about the artists, see the announcement from Glasgow 2024 on their website.

2024 Hugo Award Nominations Closed March 9

Nominations for the 2024 Hugo Awards, The Lodestar Award for Best Young Adult Book, and the Astounding Award for Best New Writer closed on March 9. The finalists in each category will be announced on Friday, March 29, at Levitation, the UK National Convention (Eastercon) taking place in Telford, UK. Details of the final ballot process will be announced during April 2024.

Each year’s Hugo Awards are administered by that year’s Worldcon. The Hugo Awards are not administered by the Hugo Awards website. For questions about the 2024 Hugo Awards, contact the 2024 Hugo Award Administrators.

2023 Hugo Awards, Astounding Award and Lodestar Award Voting Open

Voting opened on July 10, 2023 for the final ballot of the 2023 Hugo Awards, Lodestar Award for Best Young Adult Book, and the Astounding Award for Best New Writer.

Eligible members of Chengdu 2023, the 81st World Science Fiction Convention, can vote on the Hugo, Lodestar, and Astounding Awards. For information about how to cast a ballot, see the Chengdu Worldcon’s 2023 Hugo Awards page. If you are not yet a member of Chengdu 2023, you can purchase a membership on the convention’s Membership Page. A WSFS (World Science Fiction Society) membership, which includes voting rights, costs US$50.

The Chengdu Worldcon must receive your ballot by September 30, 2023, 23:59 Hawaiian Standard Time (UTC -10). You can update and change your ballot as often as you like before that deadline.

The Chengdu Worldcon committee is preparing the Hugo Voter Packet, containing the items made available to voters by Hugo Award, Lodestar Award, and Astounding Award nominees and their publishers, and will announce when it is available. They will make the Hugo Voter Packet available to all eligible members of Chengdu 2023 through the close of voting.

Please direct all questions about the 2023 Hugo, Lodestar, and Astounding Awards to the 2023 Hugo Award Administrators. The Hugo Awards website does not administer the Awards. Each year’s Awards are administered by the that year’s World Science Fiction Convention, which is solely responsible for the conduct of that year’s Awards. If you send questions regarding the 2023 Hugo Awards to us, we can only forward them to the current year’s Hugo Award Administrators.

The winners of the 2023 Hugo Awards, Lodestar Award, and Astounding Award will be announced at the Hugo Awards Ceremony on the evening of Saturday, October 21, 2023 in Chengdu, China.

2023 Hugo Awards Nominations Open

The nominating period for the 2023 Hugo Awards, Lodestar Award for Best Young Adult Book, and Astounding Award for Best New Writer opened on March 1 and will remain open until 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time (HST; UTC – 10) on April 30, 2023.

The 2023 Hugo Awards are administered by the 2023 Chengdu Worldcon. Submit nominations through the convention’s website at https://hugo.chengduworldcon.com/hugo-awards/.

The 2023 Chengdu Worldcon Hugo Awards web page has instructions for accessing the online nominating ballot for the 2023 Hugo Awards. The 2023 Chengdu Worldcon must receive your ballot by 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time (HST; UTC – 10) on April 30, 2023.

2023 Chengdu, the 2023 World Science Fiction Convention, will present the 2023 Hugo Awards, which are generally for works first published or appearing in 2022. Any person who was a WSFS member of at least one of the 2022 or 2023 World Science Fiction Conventions before February 1, 2023 may cast a nominating ballot for the 2023 Awards.

The ballot will also include voting on two other awards administered by the Worldcon. These are the Lodestar Award for Best Young Adult Book, presented by the World Science Fiction Society, and the Astounding Award for Best New Writer, presented by Dell Magazines.

Eligible members of the 2022 and 2023 Worldcons can make up to five nominations in each category. You are not required to nominate in all categories or to fill every nomination blank on the ballot. We recommend that you nominate whatever works and creators you have personally read or seen that were your favorites from 2022.

Because the Hugo Awards rules measure prose fiction based on word count in English and other languages written in the Latin alphabet, the 2023 Hugo Administrators have ruled that they will use a factor of 1.6 when converting from English words to Chinese characters. See their announcement on their website to see how this affects the categories in question.

Those people/works with sufficient nominations will move on the the final ballot for the 2023 Hugo Awards, which will be announced later this year after the close of nominations. While members of both the 2022 and 2023 Worldcons can nominate for the 2023 Awards, only members of the 2023 Worldcon are eligible to vote on the final ballot. If you are not yet a member of the 2023 Worldcon, see the 2023 Chengdu Website, then select “Login or Purchase Membership” for information about joining the convention.

There are no Retrospective Hugo Awards being presented this year. 2023 Chengdu has also elected to not present a special Hugo Award category in 2023.

Please direct any questions about the administration of the 2023 Hugo Awards to the 2023 Chengdu Hugo Award Administrators, not to the Hugo Awards web site. The Hugo Awards web site team does not administer the elections for the Hugo Awards, nor do we make eligibility rulings. The Hugo Awards web site is the “journal of record” for the Hugo Awards and acts as a central source of information about the Awards, but we do not actually administer or present the Awards. The 2023 Hugo Awards are administered by the Hugo Awards Administration Subcommittee of 2023 Chengdu, the 2023 Worldcon, and all decisions regarding the eligibility of works and the administration of nominations are exclusively the committee’s responsibility, per the provisions of Section 3.13 of the World Science Fiction Society constitution.

2022 Hugo Voting Open and Voter Packet Released

Online voting is now open for the 2022 Hugo Awards, the Lodestar Award for Best Young Adult Book, and the Astounding Award for Best New Writer. The voter’s packet is now available online to Chicon 8 members!

All ballots must be received by 11 August 2022, 11:59 pm PDT (UTC-7). See the Chicon 8 website for voting online and accessing the voter’s packet.

Voting is open to members of Chicon 8, the 2022 World Science Fiction Convention. The Voter’s Packet is a collection of the finalists for the 2022 Awards. The rights-holders of those works have made the works available as a courtesy to the voters. The packet is available only to the members of Chicon 8. You can join Chicon 8 by visiting the convention’s registration page. You can vote online or by submitting a paper ballot, per the instructions on the Chicon 8 website.

Please direct all questions about the 2022 Hugo, Lodestar, and Astounding Awards to the 2022 Hugo Award Administrators. The Hugo Awards website does not administer the Awards. Each year’s Awards are administered by the that year’s World Science Fiction Convention, which is solely responsible for the conduct of that year’s Awards.

The results of the 2022 Hugo, Lodestar, and Astounding Awards will be announced at the Hugo Awards Ceremony at Chicon 8, on the evening of Sunday, September 4, 2022 in the Grand Ballroom of the Hyatt Regency, Chicago.

2022 Hugo Award Finalists Announced

Chicon 8, the 80th World Science Fiction Convention, announced on April 7, 2022 the finalists for the 2022 Hugo Awards, Lodestar Award for Best Young Adult Book, and Astounding Award for Best New Writer. The full list of finalists is on the 2022 Hugo Awards page.

There were 1368 valid nominating ballots (1366 electronic and 2 paper) received and counted from the members of the 2021 and 2022 World Science Fiction Conventions for the 2022 Hugo Awards. Voting on the final ballot will open at a date in May 2022 to be announced.

Only Chicon 8 members will be able to vote on the final ballot and choose the winners for the 2022 Awards. If you are not already a member, you can join the convention through the Chicon 8 website. You must be at least a supporting member in order to participate in the Hugo Awards.

More information about the 2022 Hugo Awards is available on the Chicon 8 website Hugo Awards page. Questions about the 2022 Hugo Awards process should be directed to hugo-help@discon3.org. Please do not submit questions to the Hugo Awards website, as we do not administer the Hugo Awards and can only pass your questions on to the award administrators.