Hugo and Retro Hugo Base Designs Selected

After reviewing the design proposals, Loncon 3 has selected the winner of the design competition for the Loncon 3 Hugo Award bases.

The winning design for the 2014 award was submitted by Joy Alyssa Day. This is Ms. Day’s first Hugo base design. The base for the 1939 Retro Hugo will be created by Marina Gélineau, who also participated in the design competition. This is Ms. Gélineau’s second Hugo base; she previously designed the 2011 base awarded by Renovation. Both bases will be unveiled at the Opening Ceremony of Loncon 3 and will be on display throughout the run of the convention.

The actual Hugo Award trophy takes the form of a silver rocket. (The original concept by Jack McKnight and Ben Jason was inspired by the gleaming finned rocketships of Willy Ley.) The exact design has become standardized in recent years and the rockets are currently produced by British fan Peter Weston. The base on which the rocket is mounted is the responsibility of each Worldcon committee, and therefore the design changes each year, often inspired by the location of the convention.

Hugo Voting Opens

Online voting for the 2014 Hugo Awards and the 1939 Retrospective Hugo Awards is now open. You can vote online or download a paper ballot and mail it to Loncon 3.

The deadline for voting is 1 August 2014 at 00:00 PDT (that is, the end of the day Pacific Daylight Time on 31 July; note that this is 07:00 GMT/UTC on 1 August). The online voting pages will close at that time, and any paper ballots mailed in will need to also have been received by then.

Only attending, supporting, and young adult members of Loncon 3, the 2014 World Science Fiction Convention, are eligible to vote on the final ballots for the 2014 and 1939 Awards. You do not have to attend Worldcon to vote; you only need to be a member. You can join Loncon 3 at their membership page.

Loncon 3 will remind voters of their Loncon 3 Membership Numbers and Hugo PINs, and you can request your PIN through the voting web page as well. You can change your votes right up to the deadline; however, Loncon 3 recommends that you not wait until the last moment, due to anticipated heavy traffic on the voting web site during the final hours of the voting.

The Hugo Awards voting is conducted by Loncon 3. Direct any questions about the 2014 and 1939 Awards to the Please do not submit questions about the administration of the awards to us here at, because this will result in a delay while we forward the questions to this year’s Administrators.

Hugo Voter Packet Released

The 2014 Hugo Awards voter packet — an electronic package of nominated works made available by Hugo nominees and their publishers — is now available for download by Supporting, Attending and Young Adult members of Loncon 3, the 2014 World Science Fiction Convention.

The voter packet, which includes full editions of many Hugo-nominated works and preview versions of others, enables Loncon 3 Supporting, Attending, and Young Adult members to familiarize themselves with the Hugo Award contenders before voting. The packet will remain available until voting closes at 0000 PDT on Friday 1 August 2014. Only Supporting, Attending, and Young Adult members of Loncon 3 can vote on the final ballot for the 2014 Hugo Awards. You can become a member of Loncon 3 at their membership web site.

The 2014 Hugo Awards will be presented at a ceremony on the evening of Sunday, 17 August 2014 in London. The ceremony will be streamed live via the internet to enable fans around the world to experience this celebration of the best of the year’s science fiction and fantasy.

A voter packet for the Retro Hugos, commemorating the best in science fiction and fantasy available to fans in 1939, is also being organized by the Loncon 3 Hugo team, and we’ll announce it here when it is available.

The full press release from Loncon 3 is available on their web site.

Hugo Voter Packet and Voting Update

Loncon 3 is working on assembling the Hugo Voter Packet, but has not yet released it. We will make an announcement here when they release the packet, and Loncon 3 will send an announcement to all of their members with registered e-mail addresses. If you have questions about the Hugo Voter Packet, write to Hugo Voter Packets will come from Loncon 3, the 2014 World Science Fiction Convention, not from the Hugo Awards web site.

Voting for the 2014 Hugo Awards has not yet opened. We will make an announcement when voting opens. Voting will take place through the Loncon 3 Hugo Awards web page and will be administered by Loncon 3. You must be a supporting or attending member of Loncon 3, the 2014 Worldcon, to vote on the final ballot. If you are a member of Loncon 3 and have a question about your PIN to use with online voting, write to Voting by paper ballots will also be available through ballots that will be available on the Loncon 3 web site and that Loncon 3 will send to their members.

2014 Hugo Awards Finalists Announced

The finalists for the 2014 Hugo Awards and finalists for the 1939 Retrospective Hugo Awards were announced at three conventions and online via UStream, as well as via the Twitter feed and other social media of Loncon 3, the 2014 Worldcon, on April 19, 2014.

1,923 valid nominating ballots (1,889 electronic and 34 paper) for the 2014 Hugo Awards and 233 valid nominating ballots (226 electronic and 7 paper) for the 1939 Retro-Hugo Awards were received and counted from the members of LoneStarCon 3, Loncon 3 and Sasquan, the 2013, 2014, and 2015 World Science Fiction Conventions. This year’s nominating ballot count smashes the previous record of 1,343 nominating ballots cast last year and even exceeds last year’s final ballot turnout of 1,848 votes.

See the 2014 Hugo Awards page for the full list of 2014 finalists and the 1939 Retro Hugo Awards page for the full list of 1939 finalists.

A full breakdown of nominations, including how many nominations each finalist received and a list of works that did not make the final ballot but were in the top fifteen places, will be published after the Hugo Awards ceremony in August.

Online balloting will be available on the Loncon 3 web site Hugo Awards page as soon as possible. Loncon 3 will also distribute paper ballots to its members. Only supporting and attending members of Loncon 3, the 2014 Worldcon, are eligible to vote on the final Hugo Award ballot.

A Hugo Voter Packet of nominated works will be released as soon as it is available. The availability of nominated works is dependent upon the generosity of the authors, artists, publishers, and rights holders, and no work is guaranteed to be in the Hugo Voter Packet. Only eligible voters (voting members of the 2014 Worldcon) will be given access to the Hugo Voter Packet.

The 2014 Hugo Award and John W. Campbell Award winners will be announced Sunday, August 17, 2014, during the Hugo Awards Ceremony. The 1939 Retrospective Hugo Award winners will be announced Thursday, August 14, 2014, during the Retro-Hugo Awards Ceremony. Both events will be at Loncon 3 in London.

Please direct questions about the administration of this year’s Hugo and Campbell Awards to the Loncon 3 Hugo Administration Subcommittee. does not actually manage the administration of each year’s Hugo Awards, and while we can answer general queries, definitive answers to specific questions about given year’s Awards can only come from that year’s Administrator.

Hugo Award Finalists To Be Announced Saturday 19 April

Loncon 3, the 72nd World Science Fiction Convention (“Worldcon”), has announced that the finalists for this year’s Hugo Awards and John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer, and for the Retrospective (“Retro”) Hugo Awards for 1939 will be announced on Saturday 19 April, starting at 8:30 PM BST.

In their press release, Loncon 3 said that the number of nomination ballots received this year set a new response record. Participation in the Retro Hugos was also strong, and at least nine categories will feature on the ballot.

The nominations announcement will be live-streamed from Glasgow on UStream and broadcast simultaneously at two conventions in the United States.

The shortlists will be published through the Loncon 3 website immediately afterwards.

Conventions taking part in the announcement are:

  • Satellite 4, the British National Science Fiction Convention (Eastercon), in Glasgow, Scotland (8:30 PM BST).
  • Norwescon 37, one of the Pacific Northwest’s premier science fiction and fantasy conventions, in SeaTac, WA (12:30 PM PDT)
  • Minicon 49, Minnesota’s longest-running science fiction convention, in Bloomington, MN (2:30 PM CDT)

Nominations will also be released category by category via the Loncon 3 Facebook page and the Loncon 3 Twitter feed. regrets that we will not be able to do a CoverItLive event covering this year’s awards finalist announcement, although we do expect to be covering the award ceremonies themselves later this year.

Loncon 3 Co-Chair Alice Lawson said, “We are all delighted with the massive turnout, which confirms that interest in the Hugo Awards continues to grow to new heights.”

Co-Chair Steve Cooper added, “Loncon 3 will also be the 75th anniversary of the first Worldcon in New York in 1939, and members of the convention will be able to celebrate the early days of science fiction as a genre.”

After the announcement of the nominees, the final voting process will begin. Attending, Young Adult, and Supporting members of Loncon 3 will be able to cast final ballots up to 11:59 PM PDT on Thursday 31 July 2014. (Note that voting is limited to members of the current Worldcon only, and that the voting deadline is in North American Pacific Time, not UK British Summer Time.)

The winners of the Retro-Hugo Awards will be announced on Thursday 14 August. The 2014 Hugo Awards ceremony will be Sunday 17 August. Both events will take place during Loncon 3.

The full press release from Loncon 3 is available on their web site.

2014 Hugo Nominations Closed

Nominations for the 2014 Hugo Awards are now closed. The final Hugo Award ballot will be announced later this month. We will publish details of exactly when the final ballot will be announced when Loncon 3, the 2014 World Science Fiction Convention, finalizes arrangements for the announcement.

2014 Hugo Award Nominations Open

Nominations for the 2014 Hugo Awards, the 2014 John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer, and the 1939 Retrospective Hugo Awards are now open. These Awards are being administered by Loncon 3, the 2014 World Science Fiction Convention in London, England. Any person who was or is a member of the 2013, 2014, or 2015 Worldcons as of January 31, 2014 is eligible to nominate for the 2014 Hugo and Campbell Awards and the 1939 Retro-Hugos. (Even if you’re a member of more than one of those three Worldcons, you may only cast one nominating ballot for each set of Awards.) If you are not a member of any of those conventions, you may join Loncon 3, the 2014 Worldcon or Sasquan, the 2015 Worldcon before January 31, 2014 to become eligible.

If you are eligible to nominate, you may cast a nominating ballot through the Loncon 3 Hugo Awards Website. You can also vote by paper mail using the paper ballots distributed in Loncon 3 Progress Report 2. No matter which method you use to vote, Loncon 3 must receive your ballot (postmarks do not count) by Monday, March 31, 2014, 23:59 Pacific Daylight Time (April 1, 07:59 British Summer Time). (Convert to your local time here.)

If you have questions about specific procedures for the 2014 Hugo Awards, address them to the Loncon 3 Hugo Awards Administrators. cannot answer specific questions about eligibility or procedures for a given election, since each Hugo Award election is administered by that year’s Worldcon.

The PINs required for online voting are in the process of being emailed by Loncon 3 to all eligible members of LoneStarCon 3, Loncon 3, and Sasquan. For PIN queries, please write to Loncon 3 at

Note: While this is a “nominating ballot,” and we say that you “nominate” people or works for a Hugo Award when you write them on the nominating ballot, only those people or works that appear on the final Hugo Award ballot later in the year are the actual “Hugo Award Nominees.” Merely writing a work in on your nominating ballot does not make that work a “Hugo Award Nominee” unless the work receives enough nominations from other Worldcon members to make the final ballot.