The 73rd World Science Fiction Convention, Sasquan, has announced the 2015 Hugo Award winners. 5950 valid ballots were received and counted in the final ballot.
The members of the World Science Fiction Society rejected the slate of finalists in five categories, giving No Award in Best Novella, Short Story, Related Work, Editor Short Form, and Editor Long Form. This equals the total number of times that WSFS members have presented No Award in the entire history of the Hugo Awards, most recently in 1977.
Those categories in which there were Awards presented are listed below. For the full breakdown of voting and nomination see here.
The Three Body Problem, Cixin Liu, Ken Liu translator (Tor Books)
“The Day the World Turned Upside Down”, Thomas Olde Heuvelt, Lia Belt translator (Lightspeed, 04-2014)
Ms. Marvel Volume 1: No Normal, written by G. Willow Wilson, illustrated by Adrian Alphona and Jake Wyatt, (Marvel Comics)
Guardians of the Galaxy, written by James Gunn and Nicole Perlman, directed by James Gunn (Marvel Studios, Moving Picture Company)
Orphan Black: “By Means Which Have Never Yet Been Tried”, ” written by Graeme Manson, directed by John Fawcett (Temple Street Productions, Space/BBC America)
Julie Dillon
Lightspeed Magazine, edited by John Joseph Adams, Stefan Rudnicki, Rich Horton, Wendy N. Wagner, and Christie Yant
Journey Planet, edited by James Bacon, Christopher J Garcia, Colin Harris, Alissa McKersie, and Helen J. Montgomery
Galactic Suburbia Podcast, Alisa Krasnostein, Alexandra Pierce, Tansy Rayner Roberts (Presenters) and Andrew Finch (Producer)
Laura J. Mixon
Elizabeth Leggett
Award for the best new professional science fiction or fantasy writer of 2012 or 2013, sponsored by Dell Magazines (not a Hugo Award).
Wesley Chu
The 2015 Hugo Award winners were announced on Saturday evening, August 22, at the INB Performing Arts Center in Spokane, Washington. The ceremony was hosted by David Gerrold and Tananarive Due. Text-based CoverItLive coverage of the ceremony was provided through the Hugo Awards web site. Video streaming coverage was provided by UStream.
The 2015 Hugo trophy base was designed by Matthew Dockrey
The full order of finish in each category and links to the nomination and voting details are available here.
Congratulations to Cixin Liu! and also to Chinese sic-fis!
Sorry, but shouldn’t that be “2015 Hugo Award”?
Yep. Thanks for pointing it out. That’s what happens when you start with last year’s announcement as your template. Fixed now.
You might want to redirect the url, too. It could cause confusion later on.
Given that most people in the long term (not the short term) should be linking to the actual 2015 Hugo Awards results, rather than to a short-term blog post, we don’t think this poses a long-term issue.
Unfortunately the permalink will forever reflect the mistake… Hopefully that won’t lead to much confusion.
Unfortunately, that is true. Fortunately, the permalink is to the blog post, which is relatively ephermal. The name of the actual 2015 Hugo Awards web page is correct.
Congratulations Da Liu!
A solid step to become a world class si-fi writer!
As one of your loyal readers since 90s, I’m excited to see your talent and efforts finally paid off, and thank you very much for your contribution to the Chinese si-fi fans!
I saw that there will be detailed statistics released for the 2015 Hugo nominees, but the PDF only lists the top nominees and not individual votes. How do I get hold of the detailed statistics?
The results released are what’s required by the WSFS Constitution, and is what we mean by “detailed statistics.” For the raw nominating data (anonymized), you need to contact this year’s Hugo Award Administrators, a link to which is on the 2015 Hugo Awards page. You can also contact them through the Sasquan web site staff/committee page.
Thanks, I meant the raw nominating data. I’ve sent the administrators an email.
Orphan Black should win multiple Hogos for multie episodes and now needs its Emmy for best actress for Tatiana Maslsny. It’s the best TV show YOU are not watching. Go binge watch it now. So you are ready when season 4 starts! You can thank us later. You’re welcome. #CloneClub
Agreed. It’s an amazing show, only 10 episodes a season but each one is incredibly different and memorable. Just when you think Maslany can’t handle any more characters (along with characters pretending to be other characters), the creators push her into more challenging situations. It’s a series that never ceases to surprise and delight me.
I’m just glad that Orphan Black can be considered science fiction because of its basis in advanced biotechnology instead of time travel, outer space and beasties.
This is the best thing I’ve seen today. Just… y’know… humanity. There are still good people out there. This is beautiful. Thank you, Hugo Awards.
Congratulations to Vox Day for manipulating the awards so the “true fans” would burn it down.
What percentage of the people voting the No Award slate even gave the nominees fair consideration?
(my first thought was to wonder how many of the No Award ballots were actually valid, considering the convention’s endorsement of anti-Puppy activity, but I was told by a Sad Puppy supporter that despite the convention’s actions, the people counting the votes are honest).
The Puppies ruined this year’s Hugos. The rules need updating to make the Hugos puppy-proof.
I love my scifi. I have boxes and boxes of decaying paperbacks and I can go into any of those boxes and find a good story. What is memorable to me is that many of the stories had a political agenda designed for a 12 year old, unapologetic, libertarian, John Galtish mentality. Podkayne of Mars. Yeppers. I am not talking about the Stand on Zanzibar stuff of college literature courses, but the ‘in your face’ solitary hero stuff where panty waisted social engineers controlled the government and the lumpenproletariat ate their soylent and lived out their lives in a reasonable facsimile of John Calhoun’s dystopian vision of a Confined Human Animal Feeding Operation, while some orphan–who was smarter than the rest–eked out a living fixing the air conditioning in the subterranean warrens of some clusterfuck of a planet. But then, Deus Ex Machina writ large, while working in an old abandoned corridor, opens up a locked room where he starts up an old ‘data unit’ and learns to his delight of his rightful place in the big picture, and joins the crew of the StarShip Biggus Dickkus where he becomes its Captain and leads the rebellion where he meets up with a Dagney Taggartesque woman with a coulterish figure and sex is a face-to-face quickie. And the fantasy? Well, it was about a dark planet where magic was wrapped around David Bohm’s theories of an interconnected universe where every dream was reality. Today, I get vampires addicted to rugmunching and buttery and bondage….That’s not science fiction. That’s soft porn. Gimme Dune. Gimme Blade Runner; Gimme Gimme.
All old time honoured institutions have been infiltrated and taken over by the degenerate. It is clear for all to see.
It’s time for a counter revolution, using their own insidious tactics.
Puppies are on the right track. But it’s going to take time, effort and clever minds.
It is time for a new Long March…
We might suggest that if things are as in as much trouble as you suggest that people who are convinced that the Hugo Awards do not represent their wishes should club together and found a new award that does represent their wishes. As long as you do not use any of the registered service marks of the World Science Fiction Society to promote such an award, we have no objection to you doing so. Indeed, many of us would cheer you on for doing so.
YES! +1 to this. And I’m saying that with not alliegence to either side of the ‘culture wars’ (Whom I think have both behaved disgracefully in the past five years).
There is no such thing as ‘fandom’ any more, especially after this. But even before this, SF has fragmented, just as music has fragmented into many subforms, and that’s a *Good thing*. Having an award for the ‘best SF’ is nonsense (not least because it will always be captured by some group who argue there thing is the best). Better to have more targetted awards for different forms of SF.
Like military SF? Make and award for it. What to see a cyberpunk revival? Make an award. Prefer to discuss gender? Well, you’ve already got the Tiptree, but you could make some more specific ones for certain issues.
It’s time for us to face the fact that we’re not all one happy familiy anymore. After all the mud-slinging, on both sides, there’s no going back to ‘SF multiculturalism’. Better for the subgroups to stop fighting, and start doing their own thing, with their own cons and awards.
I’ll be honest, I’m not happy about the fact we’ve arrived here, no one likes an acrimonious divorce, and the discovery that people really cannot work together and build a community undermines a lot of what I’ve believed all my life. But it’s the reality and we have to face it. The puppies are far from the only people who feel disenfranchised and betrayed by the SF regime. It’s time for all those people to split up and create their own SF fandoms.