Worldcon 75 announced today that they have disqualified Alex Garner, who was initially announced as a finalist in the Best Fan Artist category for the 2017 Hugo Awards. According to the announcement, Garner notified the Hugo administrators that in fact the entirety of his published 2016 work was professional work and not fan art. The Hugo Administrators praised Garner for “his candour in dealing with this awkward situation” and “his integrity in bringing the matter to our attention.”
The announcement further states that Garner’s place on the ballot for Best Fan Artist will be taken by the next available candidate, Steve Stiles. Worldcon 75 will reissue paper Hugo ballots, and online Hugo ballot (which will go live shortly) will be amended accordingly.
The revised final ballot for Best Fan Artist is:
Ninni Aalto
Vesa Lehtimäki
Likhain (M. Sereno)
Spring Schoenhuth
Steve Stiles
Mansik Yang
We have corrected the 2017 Hugo Awards page accordingly.