1943 Retrospective Hugo Awards Voter Packet

Worldcon 76 issued the 1943 Retrospective Hugo Awards Voter Packet on June 26, 2018. The “Retro-Hugo” packet is a collection of finalists (or links to finalists) for the 1943 Retrospective Hugo Awards made available to members of Worldcon 76 to assist them in making informed decisions when voting on this year’s Hugo Awards. The packet is available for download from the Worldcon 76 Hugo Awards website in the “Hugo Voter Packet” section. Members of Worldcon 76 can sign in using their Hugo Award voting credentials that were sent to them when the final Hugo Award ballot was issued.

As with the 2018 Hugo Awards Voter Packet and the ballots for both the 1943 and 2018 Hugo Awards, if you experience difficulty accessing them, confirm that JavaScript is enabled in your browser and be certain that the web address you are accessing begins with https: (not http:).

Only members of Worldcon 76 can access the 1943 Retrospective Hugo Award Voter Packet and vote on the 1943 Retrospective Hugo Awards. To become a member of Worldcon 76, see the 2018 Worldcon’s membership page.

Worldcon 76 sent an announcement regarding the availability of the Retro-0Hugo Voter Packet to all members who registered their e-mail address with the convention. This mailing included a copy of the member’s voting credentials (membership number and voting PIN). Members can request a copy of their credentials using the 1943/2018 Hugo Awards PIN lookup page. If you are a member of Worldcon 76 and did not receive an e-mail, contact Worldcon 76 and confirm that they have your correct e-mail address.

Works appear in the 1943 Retro-Hugo Award Voter Packet through the courtesy and cooperation of the authors, artists, creators, and rights-holders of the shortlisted works. Not all shortlisted works will necessarily appear in the Voter Packet. No finalist is required to make their work available for the Hugo Voter Packet. The Hugo Award Voter Packet for both the 1943 and 2018 Hugo Awards will remain available until the close of voting on July 31, 2018.

Worldcon 76 is running both the 2018 Hugo Awards and the 1943 Retrospective Hugo Awards.

Direct all questions about the 2018 and 1943 Hugo Voter Packets and about voting procedures for the 2018 and 1943 Hugo Awards to the Worldcon 76 Hugo Award Administrators. Do not send questions to the Hugo Awards web site. The Hugo Awards web site does not manage the Hugo Voter Packet, nor do we administer the Hugo Awards voting. All of these functions are managed by the current Worldcon.