2024 Hugo Award Winners

Glasgow 2024, a Worldcon for Our Futures (the 82nd World Science Fiction Convention) announced the winners of the 2024 Hugo Awards, Lodestar Award for Best Young Adult Book, and Astounding Award for Best New Writer. The announcement was made at a ceremony on August 11, 2024 at a formal ceremony at the convention a replay of which is available on YouTube.

The list of winners and finalists, as well as a link to the final ballot and nominating statistics and a supplementary Administrators’ Report, is on the 2024 Hugo Awards page.

3,813 final ballots (3,808 electronic and 5 paper) were received and counted from the members of Glasgow 2024. As the convention announced on July 22, 2024, they disqualified 377 of these which they ruled were not cast by natural persons. They did count the remaining 3,436 (3,431 electronic, 5 paper).